Bias-corrected Bayesian Classification with Selected Features
Longhai Li, Department of
Mathematics and Statistics, University of Saskatchewan
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This software is used to predict the discrete class labels based on a
selected subset of high-dimensional features, such as expression levels
of genes. The data are modeled with a hierarchical Bayesian models
using heavy-tailed t distributions as priors. When a large number of
features are available, one may like to select only a subset of
features to use, typically those features strongly correlated with the
response in training cases. Such a feature selection procedure is
however invalid since the relationship between the response and the
features has be exaggerated by feature selection. This package provides
a way to avoid this bias and yield better-calibrated predictions for
future cases when one uses F-statistic to select features.
Source Packages and Documentations
The methods used in this software are discussed in details in the
following papers:
Instruction of Installing an R package and Using R
Click here for instruction of
installing an R package and using R.