1 Pseudo random numbers

A <- 7^5
M <-  2^31-1

N <- 100000
rn <- rep (0, N)
rn[1] <- 10
for (i in 2:length (rn))
    rn[i] <- (A * rn[i-1] ) %% M

nrn <- rn/(M-1)
plot (nrn[1:100])
acf (nrn)
hist (nrn)

n <- 100000
a <- runif(n)
hist(a,xlab="Random Numbers",main="")


2 Inverting CDF

# generate exponenail random numbers

#use method of inverse cdf to generate iid sample from exp(1)
gen_exp <- function(n)
    #generate unif(0,) random numbers
    u <- runif(n)
    #transform the random numbers

b <- gen_exp (10000)
hist (b)
acf (b)

## r built in generators
hist (rexp (10000))

3 A Special Transformation for Generating Normal Sample

gen_normal <- function(n)
    #calculates size of random samples, which is greater than half of n
    size_sample <- ceiling(n/2)
    R <- sqrt(2*rexp(size_sample))
    theta <- runif(size_sample,0,2*pi)
    X <- R*cos(theta)  
    Y <- R*sin(theta)

normal_sample <- gen_normal(10000)




nsample2 <- rnorm (10000) 
hist (nsample2)
qqnorm (nsample2)

4 Demonstration of CLT and LLN

n <- 200
rn <- rgamma (n, shape = 2)

par (mfrow = c(2,2))
plot (rn[1:100])
hist (rn)
xbar.rep <- replicate(10, cumsum(rgamma (n, shape = 2))/(1:n))
se.rep <- replicate(10, (cumsum(rgamma (n, shape = 2))/(1:n) - 2) / sqrt(2/(1:n)))
plot(xbar.rep[,1], main = "Demonstrating LLN", log = "x", type = "b", ylim = c(0, 6)); abline (h = 2)
for (i in 2:ncol(xbar.rep)) points(xbar.rep[,i], col = i, pch = i, type = "b")
plot(se.rep[,1], ylim = c(-3,3), type="b",log = "x",  main="Demonstrating CLT")
for (i in 2:ncol(se.rep)) points(se.rep[,i], col = i, pch = i, type = "b")
abline (h = c(0, -2,2), lty = c(1,2,2))

5 An Example of Monte Carlo for Estimating \(\pi\)

#### an application of monte carlo method in estimating pi

# n is the number of samples drawn uniformly from the rectangle (-1,1)  * (-1,1)
# an estimate of pi is returned
pi_est_mc <- function(n)
    #X and Y are independent, each with marginal distribution unif(-1,1)
    X <- runif(n,-1,1)
    Y <- runif(n,-1,1)
    Z <- 4 * (X^2 + Y^2 <= 1)
    mu <- mean (Z)
    error <- 1.96 * sd (Z) /sqrt (n)
    list (pi.est = mu, error.95perc = error, ci.95perc = mu + c(-error, error))

pi_est_mc (100)
## $pi.est
## [1] 3.12
## $error.95perc
## [1] 0.3264052
## $ci.95perc
## [1] 2.793595 3.446405
pi_est_mc (10000)
## $pi.est
## [1] 3.1344
## $error.95perc
## [1] 0.03228595
## $ci.95perc
## [1] 3.102114 3.166686
pi_est_mc (100000)
## $pi.est
## [1] 3.13892
## $error.95perc
## [1] 0.0101899
## $ci.95perc
## [1] 3.12873 3.14911
pi_est_mc (10000000)
## $pi.est
## [1] 3.142116
## $error.95perc
## [1] 0.00101761
## $ci.95perc
## [1] 3.141099 3.143134