How to Install an R Package?
Longhai Li, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Saskatchewan
I occacionally publish R add-on packages for others to implement and test the statistical methodoglogies I discuss in my papers. R is a free software environment for statistical computing and graphics, available from The following is a brief instruction of installing R packages. More details can be found by typing ?INSTALL in R console.
Install a new package to your computer
Method 1: Install from source
Download the add-on R package, say mypkg, and type the following command in Unix console to install it to /my/own/R-packages/:
$ R CMD INSTALL mypkg -l /my/own/R-packages/
Method 2: Install from CRAN directly
Type the following command in R console to install it to /my/own/R-packages/ directly from CRAN:
> install.packages("mypkg", lib="/my/own/R-packages/")
Load the library
Type the following command in R console to load the package
> library("mypkg", lib.loc="/my/own/R-packages/")
Instructions of using R
If you are new to R, you can learn very quickly how to use R, following for example these introductions:
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