UofS LogoProf. Longhai Li

Software Packages Released by Longhai Li's Team

To use the following software correctly, you may need to read relevant technical reports (research papers) listed on my publications page.

  1. Z-residual: Computing Z-residual for survival models and generalized linear models. (under development) A demonstration for checking covariate functional forms, [GitHub].
  2. NRSP: R Functions for Computing NRSP for survreg and coxph Objects.
  3. HTLR: Bayesian Logistic Regression with Hyper-LASSO priors, [CRAN], [Github].
  4. iIS: R code for computing iIS predictive p-values in disease mapping models.
  5. BCBCSF: Bias-corrected Bayesian Classification with Selected Features, [CRAN].
  6. ARS: C Function for Adaptive Rejection Sampling (ARS).
  7. BPHO: Bayesian prediction with high-order interactions, [CRAN].
  8. gibbs.met: Naive Gibbs Sampling with Metropolis Steps, [CRAN].
  9. predbayescor: Classification rule based on Bayesian naive Bayes models with feature selection bias corrected, [CRAN].
  10. predmixcor: Classification rule based on Bayesian mixture models with feature selection bias corrected, [CRAN].