Software Packages Released by Longhai Li's Team
To use the following software correctly, you may need to read relevant technical reports (research papers) listed on my publications page.
- Z-residual: Computing Z-residual for survival models and generalized linear models. (under development) A demonstration for checking covariate functional forms, [GitHub].
- NRSP: R Functions for Computing NRSP for survreg and coxph Objects.
- HTLR: Bayesian Logistic Regression with Hyper-LASSO priors, [CRAN], [Github].
- iIS: R code for computing iIS predictive p-values in disease mapping models.
- BCBCSF: Bias-corrected Bayesian Classification with Selected Features, [CRAN].
- ARS: C Function for Adaptive Rejection Sampling (ARS).
- BPHO: Bayesian prediction with high-order interactions, [CRAN].
- gibbs.met: Naive Gibbs Sampling with Metropolis Steps, [CRAN].
- predbayescor: Classification rule based on Bayesian naive Bayes models with feature selection bias corrected, [CRAN].
- predmixcor: Classification rule based on Bayesian mixture models with feature selection bias corrected, [CRAN].