Classification rule based on Bayesian mixture models with feature selection bias corrected

Longhai Li, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Saskatchewan


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This R package is used to predict the binary response based on high dimensional binary features modeled with Bayesian mixture models. The model is trained with Gibbs sampling. A smaller number of features can be selected based on the correlations with the response. The bias due to the selection procedure can be corrected. The software is written entirely with R language.

The software is most suitable for analyzing the data with very high dimension, for example the diagnosis of cancer based on the gene expression data.

Source Packages and Documentations

  1. predmixcor_1.1-1, released 21/02/2008, Documentation: predmixcor_1.1-1.pdf, source package: predmixcor_1.1-1.tar.gz


  • Li, L. (2007), Bayesian Classification and Regression with High Dimensional Features, Ph.D. thesis, University of Toronto: abstract

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