1 Laplace Approximation

## the generic function for finding laplace approximation of integral of 'f'
## neg_log_f    --- the negative log of the intergrand function
## p0           --- initial value in searching mode
## ...          --- other arguments needed by neg_log_f
bayes_inference_lap <- function(neg_log_f,p0,...)
{   ## looking for the mode and hessian of the log likehood function
    result_min <- nlm(f=neg_log_f,p=p0, hessian=TRUE,...)
    hessian <- result_min$hessian
    neg_log_like_mode <- result_min$minimum
    estimates <- result_min$estimate ## posterior mode
    SIGMA <- solve(result_min$hessian) ## covariance matrix of posterior mode
    sds <- sqrt (diag(SIGMA)) ## standard errors of each estimate
    log_mar_lik <- ## log marginalized likelihood
        - neg_log_like_mode + 0.5 * ( sum(log(2*pi) - log(svd(hessian)$d) ))
    list (estimates = estimates, sds = sds, SIGMA = SIGMA, log_mar_lik = log_mar_lik)

## the function for computing log likelihood of normal data
## mu is the unknown mean, and w is the log of standard deviation (sd)
log_lik <- function(x,mu,w)
{   sum(dnorm(x,mu,exp(w),log=TRUE))

## the function for computing log prior
log_prior <- function(mu,w, mu_0,sigma_mu,w_0,sigma_w)
{   dnorm(mu,mu_0,sigma_mu,log=TRUE) + dnorm(w,w_0,sigma_w,log=TRUE)

## the function for computing the negative log of likelihood * prior
neg_log_post <- function(x, theta, mu_0,sigma_mu,w_0,sigma_w)
{   - log_lik(x,theta[1], theta[2]) - log_prior(theta[1],theta[2],mu_0,sigma_mu,w_0,sigma_w)

## approximating the log of integral of likelihood * prior
bayes_inference_lap_gaussian <- function(x,mu_0,sigma_mu,w_0,sigma_w)
{   bayes_inference_lap(

2 Mid-point Rule

## the function for computing log likelihood of normal data
log_lik <- function(x,mu,w)
{   sum(dnorm(x,mu,exp(w),log=TRUE))

## the function for computing log prior
log_prior <- function(mu,w, mu_0,sigma_mu,w_0,sigma_w)
{   dnorm(mu,mu_0,sigma_mu,log=TRUE) + dnorm(w,w_0,sigma_w,log=TRUE)

## the function for computing the unormalized log posterior 
## given transformed mu and w 
log_post_tran <- function(x, mu_t, w_t, mu_0,sigma_mu,w_0,sigma_w)
    #log likelihood
    log_lik(x,logi(mu_t), logi(w_t)) +
    #log prior 
    log_prior(logi(mu_t), logi(w_t), mu_0,sigma_mu,w_0,sigma_w) + 
    #log derivative of transformation
    log_der_logi(mu_t) + log_der_logi(w_t)

## the logistic function for transforming (0,1) value to (-inf,+inf)
logi <- function(x)
{  log(x) - log(1-x)

## the log derivative of logistic function 
log_der_logi <- function(x)
{  -log(x) - log(1-x)

## the generic function for approximating 1-D integral with midpoint rule
## the logarithms of the function values are passed in
## the log of the integral result is returned

## log_f  --- a function computing the logarithm of the integrant function
## range  --- the range of integral varaible, a vector of two elements
## n      --- the number of points at which the integrant is evaluated
## ...    --- other parameters needed by log_f
log_int_mid <- function(log_f, range, n,...)
{   if(range[1] >= range[2]) 
        stop("Wrong ranges")
    h <- (range[2]-range[1]) / n
    v_log_f <- sapply(range[1] + (1:n - 0.5) * h, log_f,...)
    log_sum_exp(v_log_f) + log(h)       

## a function computing the sum of numbers represented with logarithm
## lx     --- a vector of numbers, which are the log of another vector x.
## the log of sum of x is returned
log_sum_exp <- function(lx)
{   mlx <- max(lx)
    mlx + log(sum(exp(lx-mlx)))

## a function computing the normalization constant
log_mar_gaussian_mid <- function(x,mu_0,sigma_mu,w_0,sigma_w,n)
    ## function computing the normalization constant of with mu_t fixed
    log_int_gaussian_mu <- function(mu_t)
    {   log_int_mid(log_f=log_post_tran,range=c(0,1),n=n,
    log_int_mid(log_f=log_int_gaussian_mu,range=c(0,1), n=n)

3 Naive Monte Carlo For Computinglog Marginalized Likelihood

4 Testing and comparing Laplace and Mid-point Approximation

## [1] 5
## [1] 0
## $estimates
## [1]  5.1494123 -0.0626843
## $sds
## [1] 0.13282848 0.09999252
##              [,1]         [,2]
## [1,] 1.764340e-02 4.954401e-06
## [2,] 4.954401e-06 9.998504e-03
## $log_mar_lik
## [1] -78.34882
## [1] -78.36373
## [1] -77.12767
## [1] -5
## [1] 0
## $estimates
## [1] -5.17678163 -0.09423668
## $sds
## [1] 0.12870285 0.09999372
##              [,1]         [,2]
## [1,] 1.656442e-02 1.116807e-06
## [2,] 1.116807e-06 9.998744e-03
## $log_mar_lik
## [1] -76.80226
## [1] -76.86347
## [1] -75.3761
## [1] 5
## [1] 1.386294
## $estimates
## [1] -49.897712   1.474085
## $sds
## [1] 0.61758099 0.09993574
##              [,1]         [,2]
## [1,] 0.3814062771 0.0000385141
## [2,] 0.0000385141 0.0099871520
## $log_mar_lik
## [1] -153.8484
## [1] -153.8426
## [1] -270.539
## [1] 5
## [1] 2.302585
## $estimates
## [1] -48.97471   2.28065
## $sds
## [1] 1.38339388 0.09991182
##              [,1]         [,2]
## [1,] 1.9137786219 0.0001880327
## [2,] 0.0001880327 0.0099823726
## $log_mar_lik
## [1] -193.4425
## [1] -193.3875
## [1] -270.4689

We see that mid point rule may not work well. The reason is that in applying mid-point numerical quadrature, we use “logistic” transformation which assigns more points around “zero” but the integrant function has high density in the region around -50 for \(\mu\), and \(\log(10)= 2.3\) for \(w\).