STAT 812/420 Computational Statistics
Computationally intensive methods have become widely used in statistical inference. The objective of this course is to teach students important computational techniques used in statistical inference (evaluation of statistical methods, MLE and Bayesian inference). After learning this course, students are expected to gain understanding of algorithms behind statistical inferential methods, be able to develop new statistical methods, be able to use computer to investigate the properties of statistical methods, and be able to implement a combination of standard statistical toolkits for analyzing real data sets.
Prerequisites: multivariate calculus (MATH 225), basic algebra (MATH 164), an introductory statistics (eg. STAT 245), a probability course (eg.STAT 342), a course in regression (eg STAT 344).
List of Course Materials Classified by Topics
The R markdown sources for producing the HTML files listed above can be found in this Github folder.Introduction to Statistical Inference and R
Introduction to R by R core team
Computer Arithmetic
Random Numbers Generators, Monte Carlo, Simulation for Evaluating Point Estimators, Permutation test
Introduction to Likelihood and Maximum Likelihood Estimation
Univariate Optimization and Gradient Descent Algorithm
Univariate Optimization(Unit 5)
Multivariate Newton Methods (Unit 6)
Expectation-Maximization (EM) algorithm
Introduction to Bayesian Inference
Numerical Quadrature, Laplace approximation, BIC
Rejection Sampling (Unit 10)
Importance Sampling (Unit 11)
Introduction to MCMC Convergence (Unit 12)
Gibbs Sampling and Metropolis-Hastings Sampling
JAGS sampling (Unit 15)