1 Demonstration of the Convergence Theorem for MCMC

1.1 A function for simulating Markov chain

## a function that similates a markov chain
sim_one_mc <- function (ini, iters, n = 10)
    forward <- function(i) 
    {  if( i == n - 1) 0 
       else i + 1
    backward <- function(i)
    {  if( i == 0 ) n - 1
       else i - 1
    mc <- rep (0, iters + 1)
    mc[1] <- ini
    for (i in 2: (iters+1))
        u <- runif(1)
        if(u < 0.45)  mc[i] <- forward(mc[i-1])
        else if( u > 0.55 ) mc[i] <- backward(mc[i-1])
        else mc[i] <- mc[i-1]

1.2 Simulate Multiple Chains

plot(one_mc <- sim_one_mc (2,100) , type = "l", xlab = "MCMC Iteration")
abline (h = 0:9, lty = 2)

## simulate 1000 chain
multiple_mc <- replicate (10000, sim_one_mc (2, 100))
#head (multiple_mc)
matplot (multiple_mc[, 1:10], type = "b", xlab = "MCMC Iteration")

## look at iteration 1
barplot(table (multiple_mc[1,])) 

## look at iteration 2
barplot(table (multiple_mc[2,])) 

## look at iteration 3
barplot(table (multiple_mc[3,])) 

## look at iteration 4
barplot(table (multiple_mc[4,])) 

## look at iteration 5
barplot(table (multiple_mc[5,])) 

## look at iteration 10
barplot(table (multiple_mc[10,])) 

## look at iteration 20
barplot(table (multiple_mc[20,])) 

## look at iteration 90
barplot(table (multiple_mc[90,])) 

1.3 Simulate a long chain

plot(one_mc <- sim_one_mc (2,5000) , type = "l")

## barplot of state distribution
barplot(table (one_mc[-(1:20)]))

## time correlation
acf (one_mc)

2 Simulate Another MC with Different Transition

## a function that similates a markov chain
sim_one_mc2 <- function (ini, iters, n = 10)
    forward <- function(i) 
    {  if( i == n - 1) n-1 
       else i + 1
    backward <- function(i)
    {  if( i == 0 ) 0
       else i - 1
    mc <- rep (0, iters + 1)
    mc[1] <- ini
    for (i in 2: (iters+1))
        u <- runif(1)
        if(u < 0.4)  mc[i] <- forward(mc[i-1])
        else if( u > 0.8 ) mc[i] <- backward(mc[i-1])
        else mc[i] <- mc[i-1]

a.short.chain <- sim_one_mc2 (2, 100)

plot (a.short.chain,type = "b")

## simulate 1000 chain

multiple_mc <- replicate (1000, sim_one_mc2 (2, 500))
#head (multiple_mc)
matplot (multiple_mc[, 1:10], type = "b", xlab = "MCMC Iteration")

## look at iteration 1
barplot(table (multiple_mc[1,])/1000) 

## look at iteration 2
barplot(table (multiple_mc[2,])/1000) 

## look at iteration 10
barplot(table (multiple_mc[10,])/1000) 

## look at iteration 500
barplot(table (multiple_mc[500,])/1000)

a.long.chain <- sim_one_mc2 (2, 5000)

plot (a.long.chain,type = "b")
