library ("R2jags")
## Loading required package: rjags
## Warning: package 'rjags' was built under R version 3.4.4
## Loading required package: coda
## Linked to JAGS 4.3.0
## Loaded modules: basemod,bugs
## Attaching package: 'R2jags'
## The following object is masked from 'package:coda':
##     traceplot

1 Example of Normal Data

1.1 Define the model for jags

normmodel <- '
    mu ~ dnorm (0, 0.000001)
    prec ~ dgamma (1, 0.000001)
    for (i in 1:n)
        x[i] ~ dnorm(mu,prec)
    sigma <- 1/sqrt(prec)


write (normmodel, file = "normmodel.bug")

1.2 Use JAGS to simulate MCMC

# give a list of names of R objects that will be fixed during MCMC sampling
data <- list (x = rnorm (100, 100, 5), n = 100)

# define a function to generate initial values for parameters
inits <- function ()
  list (mu = rnorm (1, 10, 0), prec = (1/10)^2)
# call jags to simulate MCMC
fitj <- jags (model.file = "normmodel.bug",
                data = data, inits = inits, 
        parameters = c("mu", "sigma"),
                n.chains = 4, n.thin = 1, n.burnin = 1000, n.iter = 5000)
## module glm loaded
## Compiling model graph
##    Resolving undeclared variables
##    Allocating nodes
## Graph information:
##    Observed stochastic nodes: 100
##    Unobserved stochastic nodes: 2
##    Total graph size: 108
## Initializing model
traceplot (fitj, varname = "mu", xlim = c(1, 10))

# summary mcmc fit 
## Inference for Bugs model at "normmodel.bug", fit using jags,
##  4 chains, each with 5000 iterations (first 1000 discarded)
##  n.sims = 16000 iterations saved
##          mu.vect sd.vect    2.5%     25%     50%     75%   97.5%  Rhat
## mu        99.959   0.547  98.874  99.591  99.956 100.327 101.017 1.001
## sigma      5.421   0.385   4.728   5.150   5.401   5.671   6.236 1.001
## deviance 623.202   2.006 621.250 621.783 622.587 623.954 628.637 1.001
##          n.eff
## mu       11000
## sigma    16000
## deviance 16000
## For each parameter, n.eff is a crude measure of effective sample size,
## and Rhat is the potential scale reduction factor (at convergence, Rhat=1).
## DIC info (using the rule, pD = var(deviance)/2)
## pD = 2.0 and DIC = 625.2
## DIC is an estimate of expected predictive error (lower deviance is better).

1.3 Inference with MCMC Samples

# plot the markov chain for the mu0 in the 1st chain 

traceplot (fitj)

# convert to MCMC object
as.mcmc (fitj) -> fitj.mcmc

summary (fitj.mcmc)
## Iterations = 1001:5000
## Thinning interval = 1 
## Number of chains = 4 
## Sample size per chain = 4000 
## 1. Empirical mean and standard deviation for each variable,
##    plus standard error of the mean:
##             Mean     SD Naive SE Time-series SE
## deviance 623.202 2.0056 0.015856       0.015857
## mu        99.959 0.5468 0.004323       0.004322
## sigma      5.421 0.3847 0.003042       0.003112
## 2. Quantiles for each variable:
##             2.5%    25%     50%     75%   97.5%
## deviance 621.250 621.78 622.587 623.954 628.637
## mu        98.874  99.59  99.956 100.327 101.017
## sigma      4.728   5.15   5.401   5.671   6.236
# the first chain
fitj.chain1 <- fitj.mcmc[[1]]

# all chains
fitj.matrix <- as.matrix (fitj.mcmc)

# traceplot
traceplot (fitj.mcmc)


# scatterplot

2 Example of Logistic Regression

library ("R2jags")

############################# define the model for jags #######################
regmodel <- '
beta0 ~ dnorm (0, 0.000001)
beta1 ~ dnorm (0, 0.01)
beta2 ~ dnorm (0, 0.01)
for (i in 1:n)
  y[i] ~ dbern (ilogit(beta0 + beta1 * x1[i] + beta2 * x2[i]))



write (regmodel, file = "regmodel.bug")

##################### use jags to simulate MCMC ###############################
n <-50
ilogit <- function (x) 1/(1 + exp (-x))
x1 <- rnorm (n, 0, 2)
x2 <- rnorm (n, 0, 2)
truebeta <- c(0,2,2)
y <- rbinom (n, 1, ilogit( truebeta[1] + truebeta[2]*x1 + truebeta[3]*x2))
data <- list (x1 = x1, x2 = x2, y = y, n = n)

# look at the data
plot (x1,x2,col=y+1, pch = y+1)

# define a function to generate initial values for parameters
inits <- function ()
  list (beta0 = 0, beta1 = 0, beta2 = 0)
# call jags to simulate MCMC
fitj <- jags (model.file = "regmodel.bug",
                data = data, inits = inits, 
        parameters = c("beta0", "beta1","beta2"),
                n.chains = 4, n.thin = 1, n.burnin = 1000, 
        n.iter = 10000)
## Compiling model graph
##    Resolving undeclared variables
##    Allocating nodes
## Graph information:
##    Observed stochastic nodes: 50
##    Unobserved stochastic nodes: 3
##    Total graph size: 357
## Initializing model
traceplot (fitj,ask=FALSE)

# summary mcmc fit 
## Inference for Bugs model at "regmodel.bug", fit using jags,
##  4 chains, each with 10000 iterations (first 1000 discarded)
##  n.sims = 36000 iterations saved
##          mu.vect sd.vect   2.5%    25%    50%    75%  97.5%  Rhat n.eff
## beta0     -0.335   0.584 -1.526 -0.715 -0.324  0.058  0.780 1.001 11000
## beta1      3.702   1.193  1.756  2.816  3.569  4.458  6.343 1.006   470
## beta2      2.531   0.758  1.263  1.976  2.465  3.011  4.185 1.005   570
## deviance  27.201   2.553 24.205 25.302 26.565 28.460 33.655 1.004   910
## For each parameter, n.eff is a crude measure of effective sample size,
## and Rhat is the potential scale reduction factor (at convergence, Rhat=1).
## DIC info (using the rule, pD = var(deviance)/2)
## pD = 3.2 and DIC = 30.4
## DIC is an estimate of expected predictive error (lower deviance is better).
fitj.mcmc <- as.mcmc (fitj)

fitj.matrix <- as.matrix (fitj.mcmc)

colnames (fitj.matrix)
## [1] "beta0"    "beta1"    "beta2"    "deviance"
# sample from posterior of (beta0, beta1)
plot (fitj.matrix[seq (1000,10000, by = 10),c("beta0", "beta1")], type = "p")

# sample from posterior of (beta1, beta2)
plot (fitj.matrix[seq (1000,10000, by = 10),c("beta1", "beta2")], type = "p")

# density of beta0

# density of beta1

# density of beta2

#Find Psuedo MLE
imle <- which.min(fitj.matrix[,"deviance"]) 
mlebeta <- fitj.matrix[imle,]; mlebeta
##      beta0      beta1      beta2   deviance 
## -0.2057432  2.8282113  1.9416948 23.9518673
# look classification boundaries
plot (x1,x2,col=y+1, pch = y+1) 
# MCMC Estimates
for (i in seq (1000,5000, by = 50)) {
    abline (a = -fitj.matrix[i,"beta0"]/fitj.matrix[i,"beta2"],
            b = -fitj.matrix[i,"beta1"]/fitj.matrix[i,"beta2"],
            col = "grey")
# True Values
       col="black", lwd=3)

       col="red", lwd=3)
points (x1,x2,col=y+1, pch = y+1)

legend("bottomleft", legend=c("TRUE", "MLE", "MCMC"), 
       col = c("black", "red", "grey"), lty = c(1,1,1))

# look at classification boundary coefficient
abline(v=truebeta[2]/truebeta[3], col="black")
abline(v=mlebeta[2]/mlebeta[3], col="red")

# look at classification sharpness coefficient
# plot(density(fitj.matrix[,"beta1"]^2+fitj.matrix[,"beta2"]^2))
# abline(v=truebeta[2]^2+truebeta[3]^2, col="black")
# abline(v=mlebeta[2]^2+mlebeta[3]^2, col="red")

3 Example of Mixture Model

library ("R2jags")
library ("MASS")

# user should provide ifold
mixmodel <- '
N,           # number of observations
K,           # number of components
y[N],        # observations
Z[N],        # true groups (labelled 1,2)
mu[K],       # means of two groups,          # prior precision for mu
tau[K],      # sampling precision
sigma[K],    # sampling standard deviation
P[K],        # proportion in first group
alpha[K],    # prior parameters for proportions
ind[N,K],    # indicator function for group membership
tol[K],      # total number of observations in each group
Itot[K];     # Censored indicator for tot (1 if tot[i] > 0; 0 otherwise)

model {
    for (k in 1:K){
        mu[k]  ~ dnorm(20, 1.0E-4);
        tau[k] ~ dgamma(0.01, 0.01 * 20);
        sigma[k]     <- 1/sqrt(tau[k]);
    P[]    ~ ddirch (alpha[]);    # prior for mixing proportion
    for (i in 1:N){
        y[i]  ~ dnorm(mu[Z[i]],tau[Z[i]]);       
        Z[i]  ~ dcat(P[]);
        for (k in 1:K) {
            ind[i,k] <- (Z[i] == k);
    for (k in 1:K) {
        tot[k] <- sum(ind[,k]);
        Itot[k] ~ dinterval(tot[k], 0);
    for (i in 1:N){ [i] <- log (dnorm (y[i], mu[Z[i]], tau[Z[i]]));   

write (mixmodel, file = "mixmodel.jags")

K <- 2 ## number of components

y <- sample(c(rnorm (30, mean = 20), rnorm (70, mean=23)))
hist (y, nclass=15)

N <- length (y)
Itot <- rep (1, K)
alpha <- rep (1, K)

eyesdata <- list ( y = y, K = K, N = N, Itot = Itot, alpha = alpha)

inits <- function ()
    list (#mu = rnorm (K, mean (y),20), 
          #tau = rep(1/var (y),K), 
          Z = sample (1:K, N, replace = T) )

mixmodel.jags <- jags (data = eyesdata,  inits = inits, model.file = "mixmodel.jags", 
            parameters =  c("P", "mu","sigma"),       
            n.thin = 5, n.iter = 5000, n.chain = 1)
## Compiling model graph
##    Declaring variables
##    Resolving undeclared variables
##    Allocating nodes
## Graph information:
##    Observed stochastic nodes: 102
##    Unobserved stochastic nodes: 105
##    Total graph size: 827
## Initializing model
mixmodel.mcmc <- as.mcmc (mixmodel.jags)

summary (mixmodel.mcmc)
## Iterations = 2501:4996
## Thinning interval = 5 
## Number of chains = 1 
## Sample size per chain = 500 
## 1. Empirical mean and standard deviation for each variable,
##    plus standard error of the mean:
##              Mean      SD Naive SE Time-series SE
## deviance 329.7696 30.4981 1.363918        4.03457
## mu[1]     21.9249  1.3915 0.062232        0.46314
## mu[2]     21.6052  1.4140 0.063236        0.36169
## P[1]       0.4584  0.2146 0.009596        0.04756
## P[2]       0.5416  0.2146 0.009596        0.04756
## sigma[1]   1.1667  0.3981 0.017804        0.07738
## sigma[2]   1.4571  0.7701 0.034438        0.06901
## 2. Quantiles for each variable:
##               2.5%      25%      50%      75%    97.5%
## deviance 282.15039 303.3144 327.3941 352.1799 391.6427
## mu[1]     19.44722  20.4506  22.7037  22.9821  23.4917
## mu[2]     19.42948  20.4956  21.7819  22.8431  23.2793
## P[1]       0.09423   0.2741   0.4459   0.6432   0.8323
## P[2]       0.16768   0.3568   0.5541   0.7259   0.9058
## sigma[1]   0.48728   0.9220   1.0835   1.3649   1.9653
## sigma[2]   0.86026   1.0646   1.3215   1.7419   2.3469
traceplot (mixmodel.mcmc)