UofS LogoProf. Longhai Li

Overview of Longhai Li's Research Activities

Prof. Li's research focuses on developing and applying statistical machine-learning methods to analyze bioinformatics and epidemiology data. His research activities are computationally intensive, aiming to develop new data analysis software and solve real problems in life and health sciences. To date, he has supervised the research of 3 postdoctoral fellows, 23 graduate students, and 14 undergraduate students. His research findings have been published in prestigious journals such as the Journal of the American Statistical Association, Bayesian Analysis, Statistics in Medicine, Statistics and Computing, the American Statistician, the Journal of Applied Statistics, Scientific Reports, and BMC Bioinformatics. His research activities can be summarized with the following themes/keywords:

Externally Funded Research Projects

Many granting agencies including NSERC, CFI, CANSSI, CFREF, and MITACS have supported his research: