UofS LogoProf. Longhai Li

Postdoctoral Fellows

  1. Tingxuan Wu
  2. Ming-Ming Zhang
  3. Jinhong Shi

Doctoral Students

  1. Jing Wang, Ph.D in Biotatistics, Sept 2024-present, co-supervised with Prof. Li Xing
  2. Tingxuan Wu, PhD in Biostatistics, 2023, co-supervised with Prof. Cindy Feng

    Thesis: Residual Diagnostics and Statistical Inference for Shared Frailty Models

    Employment: Forestry Statistical Analyst, Ministry of Environment, Government of Saskatchewan


  3. Wutao Yin, Ph.D., September 2019 - December 2021, co-supervised with Prof. Fang-Xiang Wu

    Thesis: Artificial Intelligence Based Methods for Autism Spectrum Disorder Diagnosis from fMRI Data

    Current position: Associate Professor, Ocean Institute, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Taicang Jiangsu, China


  4. Lai Jiang, Ph.D., 2015

    Thesis: Fully Bayesian T-probit Regression with Heavy-tailed Priors for Selection in High-Dimensional Features with Grouping Structure

    Employment: Postdoctoral fellow at Lady Davis Institute, Jewish General Hospital, McGill University in Montreal.


Master Students

  1. Dananji Shashiprabha, M.Sc. in Statistics, Sept 2023-present
  2. Effie Wuqian Gao, M.Sc. in Biostatistics, Sept. 2022- August 2024

    Thesis: Z-residuals for Checking Bayesian Hurdle Models

    Employment: Senior Data and Forecasting Analyst, Health Ministry, Government of Saskatchewan

  3. Hao Hu, M.Sc., 2022, co-supervised with Prof. Li Xing

    Thesis: Identifying Risk Factors for Cognitive Decline Using Statistical Learning Techniques and Functional Data Analysis

    First Employment: Senior Statistician in Health Ministry in a Chinese goverment

  4. Lina Li, M.Sc, May 2021 to September 2021, MITACS project supervisor

    Publication: Real-time estimates of the reproduction rate (Rt) of Canadian provinces.

  5. Man Chen, M.Sc., 2021.

    Thesis: Association between Gut Microbiome and Parkinson's Disease Revealed by Sparse Learning.


    First Employment: AI Engineer at Super GeoAI Technology Inc.

  6. Mei Dong, M.Sc., 2019, co-supervised with Prof. Lloyd Balbuena

    Thesis: Feature Selection Bias in Assessing the Predictivity of SNPs for Alzheimer's Disease

    Employment: Senior Research Analyst at the University of Toronto.


  7. Xiaoying Wang, M.Sc., 2019

    Thesis: Comparison of Statistical Testing and Predictive Analysis Methods for Feature Selection in Zero-inflated Microbiome Data

  8. Tingxuan Wu, M.Sc. in biostatistics, 2018, co-supervised with Prof. Cindy Feng

    Thesis: Randomized Survival Probability Residuals for Assessing Parametric Survival Models

    Employment: PhD student at the University of Saskatchewan


  9. Wei Bai, M.Sc., 2018, co-supervised with Prof. Cindy Feng

    Thesis: Randomized Quantile Residual for Assessing Generalized Linear Mixed Models with Application to Zero-Inflated Microbiome Data

    First Employment: Statistical Programmer, Everest Clinical Research, Markham, Ontario.

    Present Position: Lead Statistical Analyst, Bayer Pharmaceuticals, Ontario, Canada


  10. Arash Shamloo, M.MATH (project-based), 2017

    Project: Randomized quantile residuals for accelerated failure time models

    Employment: Research assistant, College of Pharmacy and Nutrition, University of Saskatchewan.

  11. Yunyang Wang, M.Sc., 2016

    Thesis: Comparison of Stochastic Volatility Models Using Integrated Information Criteria

    Employments: Statistician at Montreal office of Evidera (a PPD company), Montreal, QC

    First Employment: Intern at the PathWise Solutions, AON Securities, Toronto.

  12. Alireza Sadeghpour, M.Sc., 2016, co-supervised with Prof. Cindy Feng

    Thesis: Empirical Investigation of Randomized Quantile Residuals for Diagnosis of Non-Normal Regression Models

    First Employment: Statistician at Health Canada, Ottawa.


  13. Naorin Islam, M.Sc., 2016, co-supervised wtih Prof. Khan

    Thesis: Substance Abuse and Health: A Structural Equation Modeling Approach to Assess Latent Health Effects

    First Employment: Research assistant, College of Pharmacy and Nutrition, University of Saskatchewan.

  14. Shi Qiu, M.Sc., 2015 (co-supervised with Cindy X. Feng)

    Thesis: Cross-validatory Model Comparison and Divergent Regions Detection using iIS and iWAIC for Disease Mapping

    First Employment: "Data Service Specialist" at IRD Inc. in Saskatoon.

    Present Position: Statistician, Mabwell Therapeutics, Inc., Shanghai, China


  15. Masud Rana, M.Sc., 2012 (co-supervised with Prof. Shahed Khan)

    Thesis: Spatial-Longitudinal Bent-Cable Model with an Application to Atmospheric CFC Data

    First Employments: Biostatistician at Clinical Research Support Unit by College of Medicine of University of Saskatchewan.


  16. Zhengrong Li, M.Sc., 2012.

    Thesis: A Non-MCMC Procedure for Fitting Dirichlet Process Mixture Models

    First Employment: Data Service Specialist at IRD Inc. in Saskatoon.

Undergraduate Students

  1. Lina Li, undergraduate research assistant, 2020

    Project title: Investigation of Randomized Quantile Residuals

  2. Xinyu Liu, undergraduate research assistant, 2019

    Project title: Development of an R package for Bayesian Hyper-LASSO Logistic Regression

    HTLR: Bayesian Logistic Regression with Heavy-Tailed Priors, [CRAN page], [Github page]. HTLR was listed in the top 40 new packages in October 2019 by R views of Rstudio.

  3. Jian Su, undergraduate research assistant, 2018

    Project title: Development of Bayes Predictive Models based on Generalized Linear Mixed Models with application to microbiome data

  4. Jiaqi Xiao, undergraduate research assistant, 2015

    Project title: Application of iIS and iWAIC to Compare Models for Economic Data.

    Employment: M.Sc. student at Queen's University

  5. Zhouji Zheng, undergraduate research assistant, 2014 and 2015

    Project title: Application of Importance Sampling to Compare Bayesian Stochastic Volatility Models.

    Employment: M.Sc. student at the University of Toronto

  6. Bei Zhang, undergraduate research assistant, 2013

    Project title: Cross-validatory Model Checks with iIS for Logistic Random Effect Models

    Publication: Approximating Cross-validatory Predictive Evaluation in Bayesian Latent Variables Models with Integrated IS and WAIC.